Breast Augmentation

You have your own reasons for wanting to increase the size of your breasts, and we’re here to listen and help. Board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Michelle Spring and Dr. Michael Hromadka create beautiful, personalized breast augmentation results to match what you want. Their experience is unmatched in the area, and women considering breast augmentation travel to Kalispell from Missoula, Whitefish, and Great Falls, MT; Coeur d’Alene and Sandpoint, ID; and throughout the Northwest to have them perform their procedures.

Breast Augmentation
 Before & After Photos


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Ideal Breast Augmentation Candidates

Ideal candidates for breast augmentation are women who are at a healthy weight, do not smoke (or are willing to quit), and want to achieve one or more of the following goals:

  • Enlarge naturally small breasts
  • Restore breast volume after weight loss, pregnancy, or breastfeeding
  • Balance the size and shape of uneven breasts
  • Fill out bras, tops, and swimsuits

Patients must be ready to take time out for recovery and follow their surgeon’s post-op instructions closely.

Breast Augmentation vs. Breast Lift

Breast augmentation and breast lift surgery are distinct breast enhancement procedures that provide different benefits.

  • Breast lift surgery removes lax skin to reshape and raise the breasts on the chest. The nipples and areolas are also reshaped if desired.
  • Breast augmentation adds fullness with an implant. It can correct mild to moderate sagging but does not significantly improve breast shape.

Women bothered by sagging and volume loss often benefit from a combination of these procedures.

What Are Your Breast Implant Options?

Choosing breast implants is an exciting part of your breast augmentation journey, and our surgeons help guide your choices and customize your procedure based on your body type and cosmetic goals. We’ll help you enhance your breasts in a way that produces natural-looking results in balance with the rest of your body.

The options involved in choosing breast implants include size, filling, profile, and shape.

How Do You Choose the Size of Implants?

During your consultation, Dr. Spring or Dr. Hromadka listens to how you want your breasts to look and takes precise measurements of the breasts and chest area to ensure the implant size is proportional to your body’s frame. You may want to bring “wish photos” to the consultation to provide a clearer idea of the results you want.

Dr. Spring is very educated and knows exactly how to take the information you give her about how you hope to look and get you there. She explained to me how my own individual body shape and dimensions will affect my outcome. And that helped me ultimately decide what I wanted.

Ashleyolson, 5-Star RealSelf review

Silicone Gel vs. Saline Implants: Which Is Right for You?

Even though many patients understand that implants can be filled with either silicone or saline, your range of choices when it comes to silicone gel are quite extensive. Silicone implants vary in the consistency of the gel filling the implant shell, including highly cohesive gel that is firmer than other options. Most patients, both at our practice and throughout the U.S., choose silicone gel implants because they believe they feel and look more like natural breasts than saline-filled implants.

Saline implants are filled with a saltwater solution and are preferred by some patients who want a more natural fill substance. They are better for women with more natural breast tissue; women with little breast tissue may not be the best candidates for saline implants because they are more prone to visible rippling than silicone gel implants.

What Is an Implant Profile?

Our surgeons help patients choose the implant profile that best suits their aesthetic goals. An implant’s profile involves how far the implants project from the chest, influencing how your results appear from a side view. Implants typically are available in moderate, moderate plus, high, and extra high profiles. The implant profile is related to implant size but is not the same thing. Lower profile implants have a wider base but provide less projection.

I was referred to Dr. Hromadka from a surgeon in another city and I am so glad I was! My experience was first rate from start to finish. I highly recommend Dr. Hromadka, he and his team are all consummate professionals who took good care of me. Dr. Hromadka is a highly skilled surgeon and I am so very pleased with my results.

5-Star Healthgrades review

What Happens During Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Dr. Spring and Dr. Hromadka perform breast augmentation at The Health Center outpatient surgery center in Kalispell and North Valley Hospital in Whitefish. They tailor each breast augmentation procedure to produce results that match the patient’s goals. Breast augmentation surgery involves a number of choices that are based on your input during the consultation. These include where the plastic surgeons make incisions and whether to insert implants in front of or behind the chest muscle.

Your Breast Augmentation Incision Options

The best choice for your incision location involves the size and type of breast implants used and your own personal preference. Incision location options include:

Inframammary: This is the most common incision location, at the base of the breast where the skin connects to the chest wall. This provides surgeons direct access to create the pocket for the implants. Scars resulting from the incisions are well-concealed and typically fade significantly during the first year after the procedure.

Periareolar: Made on the lower edge of the areola (the darker skin surrounding the nipple), this incision is camouflaged because it blends with the pigmented skin. If you’re planning to have children in the future and intend to breastfeed, you should understand there is a slight risk of severing the breasts’ milk ducts.

Transaxillary: Patients who want to avoid having incisions made on the breasts have the option of transaxillary incisions, which surgeons make in the underarm area. Surgeons use a device called an endoscope during the procedure to create implant pockets because they don’t have a direct view of the area. This location is limited to patients who choose saline implants, which the surgeons can insert empty and then fill with the solution.

Meet Our Surgeons

The combination of surgical skill and decades of experience sets Dr. Spring and Dr. Hromadka apart from other plastic surgeons not just in Kalispell, but throughout Montana and the Northwest. Assisted by Kristy Ehrmantraut, PA-C, their surgical physician assistant, Dr. Spring and Dr. Hromadka are known for their down-to-earth personalities and for spending the time to truly understand their patients’ goals.

Photo of Michael Hromadka, MD

Michael Hromadka, MD


Credentials You Can Trust

American Board of Plastic Surgery ABMS MOC Certification for Mountain West Plastic SurgeryAmerican Society of Plastic Surgeons LogoThe Aesthetic Society Logo
Photo of Michelle Spring, MD

Michelle Spring, MD


Credentials You Can Trust

American Board of Plastic Surgery ABMS MOC Certification for Mountain West Plastic SurgeryAmerican Society of Plastic Surgeons LogoThe Aesthetic Society Logo

Your Implant Placement Options

Dr. Spring or Dr. Hromadka create an implant pocket either in front of the chest muscle (subglandular) or behind the muscle (submuscular). The physical characteristics of your breasts—the amount of existing breast tissue and skin quality—your lifestyle, and the type of implants used all influence the implant location choice. Your surgeon will help you decide the optimal placement for your implants.

For example, a woman with naturally small breasts with little tissue will get better results generally when the surgeon places implants behind the muscle. This helps create a more natural result and has the added benefit of slightly reducing the risk of capsular contracture, a complication that occurs when scar tissue contracts around the implant. Placing the implant behind the existing tissue but in front of the muscle creates a fuller appearance and reduces the recovery time a bit because the procedure doesn’t involve trauma to the muscle.

After inserting the implants and ensuring they’re symmetrical, the surgeon sutures the incisions and bandages them.

Commonly Combined Procedures

Our surgeons can safely combine breast augmentation with other procedures, called a mommy makeover, to give you multiple improvements with a single surgery and recovery period. Common options include:

How Long Is Breast Augmentation Recovery?

Your surgeon discusses what you can expect during the recovery process during a pre-op appointment. Even though you should get plenty of rest during the first few days after your procedure, it’s also important to take frequent, gentle walks to keep the blood circulating.

Recovery Timeline

While patient experiences vary, the recovery process following breast augmentation generally proceeds as follows:

  • Day of surgery: Return home in the care of an adult
  • 48 to 72 hours: Soreness, swelling, and bruising peak
  • 3 to 5 days: Return to nonstrenuous work and activities
  • 3 to 6 weeks: Surgical bra no longer required
  • 6 weeks: Resume strenuous exercise, as cleared by your doctor
  • 6 to 12 weeks: Implants settle (drop and fluff)
  • 3 months: See final results
  • 6 months (or longer): Scars fade

Closely following your surgeon’s detailed postoperative instructions increases the chances you’ll recover quickly and with minimal discomfort.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is breast enlargement surgery safe?

When you choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who has extensive experience performing the procedure, breast enlargement surgery is considered safe. All surgery involves risks, so it’s important to choose your surgeon carefully.

Which implant is best?

The silicone and saline implants we use are FDA-approved and have their own advantages. Many women choose silicone gel implants because they feel the most like natural breasts. Other women prefer saline implants because they are filled with harmless saltwater. The “best” choice for you is up to your personal preference.

Will I need to wear a special bra following surgery?

Yes. For 3 to 6 weeks, you will need to wear a surgical bra (without an underwire) to minimize swelling and support the breasts while they heal.

Will I have to eventually replace my breast implants?

Breast implants do not come with a specific expiration date. If you are not having problems and are happy with the way your breasts look and feel, you do not need to have your implants replaced. While they are not made to last a lifetime, today’s implants usually last at least 10 years.

What if I want to remove my implants later?

While most patients are happy with their fuller breasts, if your preferences change in the future, our surgeons can perform explant surgery to take your implants out without replacing them.

I have saline implants now. Can I upgrade to silicone gel?

Yes! Our surgeons perform a type of revision breast surgery called elective implant exchange to replace implants with a different fill material or size.

Can you still breastfeed with implants?

Many breast enlargement patients can successfully breastfeed after their surgery; however, there is no absolute guarantee. During your consultation, be sure to let your surgeon know you hope to breastfeed in the future so they can avoid affecting your milk glands when performing the surgery.

Choose a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Are you ready to discover how breast augmentation at Mountain West Plastic Surgery can enhance your look and your confidence? To discuss your options with one of our two highly trained plastic surgeons, request a consultation using the online form. Or you can call our office at (406) 609-0210 to schedule an appointment.
